EITAKO (Te Ara Koiora & Ei-PLAY) School Exchange Project

At the end of 2020 exchanges were set up with schools in Sōja-shi, Okayama-ken and in Christchurch. To facilitate meaningful interaction with the students and teachers of both schools, Zoom calls were set up and students introduced themselves and started on the journey to get to know each other. Both sides enjoyed this and are keen to continue next year and beyond. A lot of work was put in behind the scenes to make sure both sides had similar expectations and were mindful of how each group would be approaching the exchange. We will continue to support in this manner where necessary.


This collaboration project between Te Ara Koiora (a charitable trust) and Ei-PLAY (a volunteer education group in Japan) is aimed at providing cultural exchange programmes to Japanese and New Zealand school students that encourage communication, friendship and continuity. While we facilitate and provide guidance and assistance through the set up and early stages of the relationship, our aim is to eventually have schools doing regular exchanges themselves.

We start the relationship based on language and cultural objectives, getting students to know each other through play and fun interaction, games and so on for the lower year levels, with the possibility of curriculum specific content for higher year levels from the outset. If school teachers want to focus on other themes like math, arts, etc, we can assist in arranging this, and once the relationship is established, teachers should be able to set up such specific purpose sessions as they like.

We suggest a communicative method that respects both sides' learning needs and level, rather than a one way language practice style which does not make students motivated. Using Zoom, teachers and students are guided through a simple way to enable communicative interaction which sets the stage for further communication.

To make sure the project is both meaningful and suitable for each side's curriculum or Ministry requirements, Yoshimi from Te Ara Koiora and Hiroe from Ei-PLAY discuss the plans with the teachers on both New Zealand and Japanese sides respectively, and amalgamate the requirements to ensure compatibility. Then Yoshimi and Hiroe can give a nice plan to the teachers about specifically how to do or what to do in class until both schools settle in doing regular school exchange themselves.

Latest news article

Read about our school exchange programme betwen Cobham intermediatye school and Jinzai elementary school in Japan in the Asia New Zealand Foundation's recent article


Detail summary

  • Done through Zoom
  • Location at school - classroom to classroom, but could be linked to individual computers if the need exists
  • Ideally for same year or equivalent year students depending on content
  • Led by the teacher in charge of the class with assistance if required
  • 3 fundamental styles to start with: 1. Self-introduction (using Name game), 2. Explanation (preparing to express something students want or are interested to ask), 3. Q&A (preparing questions and interacting)
  • Possible times: 1. from May 10th until July 5th, 2. from September until October 1st, 3. from October 18th until December 20th

Sample session outline


School in Christchurch

Gakkō (school) in Japan




e.g.July 5th Monday


Afternoon class x 2

1st class (1pm – 1. 30pm) Year 6 Form teacher: Mr XXX, 35 students in Japan, Year 5 Form teacher: Ms AAA, 25 students in Chch

2nd class (1.40 – 2. 40pm) Year 4 teacher: Mr YYY, 35 students, Year 11 teacher: Ms BBB in Chch

(ELT teacher: Ms ZZZ in Japan)

(Organiser & Volunteer teacher in Japan: Ms Sakai,Hiroe)

Content of class

  1. Introduction of Chch in simple English holding pictures or drawings (5min each school) every student can speak as long as they can with the time, OR, AND, self-introduction of each student & question about Japanese life etc. whatever fits in the class, it is awesome!!
  2. Game time!! (remembering your friends’ names) making 3 groups: a, b and c (20min together)

Link : Name game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwcAl69YSyI

  1. Introduction of Japan school's city or ken in simple English holding pictures or drawings (5min each school) some students can speak together making groups. a. City's symbol tree is … b. … c. … d. …
  2. Game time!! (remembering your friends’ names) making groups a, b and c (20min together)

Link : Name game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwcAl69YSyI

Question about Christchurch life etc if they have enough time.

Students’ preparation

  1. Drawings or digital pictures of Christchurch city as many as they can


  1. Drawings or digital pictures of Japan school's city or ken as many as they can
  2.  Practising the Japanese sentences each students speaks about one picture

Teacher’s preparation

  1. List of students’ names (nicknames are ok too) to send to Shōgakkō before hand (to get them to match the sound with names)
  2. To get students to practise name game before hand so that they can do the game more smoothly on Zoom
  1. List of students’ names (first names or nicknames are ok) to send to school in Chch before hand ( to get them to match the sound with names)
  2. To get students to practise name game before hand so that they can do the game more smoothly on Zoom


● Before the class starts, the Principal will greet all of School people in Chch.

● If the class has more time, Q&A can be done.

● These suggestions are our core content and examples to get the class to go smoothly, so teachers can arrange whatever is effective and suitable for students.